Grey’s Anatomy – S12xEp10 – All I want is You

Meredith’s going through therapy…again. In fact, we’ve seen her there often, whether it’s for her own reasons or because it’s required by the hospital. This therapist has her seeing things in a new way, though. Many sessions with the therapist are paralleled with what’s happening in the hospital, as Meredith finds herself talking more about her friends and colleagues than herself. After insisting she wants to be alone, but realizing that kicking everyone out of her house doesn’t actually make her feel better, her therapist tells her he thinks she’s fine.

Meanwhile, Owen and Riggs are still fighting, because Riggs was with Owen’s sister the day they “lost her”… whatever that means. The show’s been holding back the exact nature of their past long enough that it’s starting to require an awfully big payoff once it’s revealed … surely “with her the day we lost her” isn’t the entire story. They make up long enough to perform one beautifully hectic surgery together but they’re fighting again before they’ve even scrubbed out. An ambulance explodes just outside the emergency room, because that sounds about right. Webber says, “You can’t tame a wildcat,” to Douchebeard at one point, not realizing the wildcat in question is Webber’s own daughter.

Elsewhere in the hospital, the smart yet tragic teen has hired Callie and Maggie to 3-D print her a sternum. This development leaves Alex nervous and pissed, because these doctors fear all new surgery they didn’t come up with themselves. Alex shows up to 3-D printer kid’s surgery just to hold her hand, because with McDreamy gone, Alex is the resident heart melter (really, it should be Jackson, but he’s sending his wife divorce papers, so not terribly romantic).

Everyone needs a family. That family can be made up of blood relatives or friends or a combination of the two — it doesn’t matter, just as long as you have them. And Meredith might have gone through a lot in her years, but she definitely has family. So what does Meredith do next? Her therapist tells her it’s scary, but now she can do whatever she wants!



About Kim

So many things define you, and one of them are your interests, your passions...Now I'm not gonna say that TV series are 'my passion' but there is something about it that dragged me into them since as long as I can remember...So many shows thrilled, and I was a fan of so many. Most of them are now ended, thank god for the new ones. So, here's a list of my favourites *Breaking Bad *One Tree Hill *Gossip Girl *House *Nip Tuck *Damages *Criminal Minds *Revenge *Private Practice *Grey's Anatomy *Homeland *Bates Motel *Prison Break *Dexter *Revenge *Pretty Little Liars *Girls *Game of Thrones *Homeland *Brothers & Sisters *Shameless *Suits *Orange is the New Black...and many more...

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