Archive | February 2015

Grey’s Anatomy. S11xEp11. “All I Could Do Was Cry”

‘All I could do was cry’ is Literally what I did all through that episode..Those heartfelt stories are one of the main reasons we’re still and will always be Greyfanatics.

“We say ‘We’re sorry for you loss”. And we hope it offers something. Some little bit of support. Some bit of peace. Some bit of closure. Something good. Some little piece of beauty in the midst of some place dark. And unexpected gift. Just when it’s needed most. “- April 

The flashbacks, reminded us how happiness can easily be forgotten in times of darkness. April and Jackson’s story of their baby, Samuel Norbert Avery, was truly heartbreaking and was portrayed so poignantly and tragically.

Catherine Avery was everything I had hoped she would be. This is not the first time she’s been there for April. Back in the season 10 finale in the storage closet, she was there for April at an emotional moment.

April & Jackson both gave their best performances ever. When April questioned her faith and broke down feeling more hurt than ever, I couldn’t help but feel her pain. It was definitely an unfair situation and I believed every word as she trembled with fear .“This isn’t fair. It isn’t just,” she told Jackson.And I have spent my life believing in a God who is just.” She was becoming the person that He meant for her to be… “and then this… to be handed this?!? It’s cruel, and I feel like God is laughing at me. If this is a test, I fail.” I loved it because this was the first time I felt her faith was not being used as a joke or to make April seem crazy with a neurotic behavior. It was treated with respect and care and it was refreshing.

what was beautifully done was how April walked into a woman who has wandered around the hospital in scrubs giving the illusion that she works there. But her true identity is a recent widower who cannot seem to move on. April offers her comfort and strength to move on. A talk that ends up encouraging herself. April became ready to.. move on. I think that was kind of her small miracle.She felt like God has sort of shown up for her in a really amazing way.

And then there’s the scene with Jackson praying for April in the chapel that was so sad but so beautiful. I think it’s the first time Avery showed that much emotion in a raw and real way. It was very touching how he was able to find the courage to ask God to help his wife because she believed. “God, Yahweh, Buddhah, E.T., whatever… show up for [April], please,” he begged. “She loves You. She needs You.”

Meredith, like what was with her? Did she not know what was going on? She couldn’t spare five minute not thinking about herself ( and sexy time with her long distanced hubby ) to go light a freaking candle. It was so uncharacteristic of her!! …

Elsewhere, Stephanie worked with Amelia to remove a tumor that would give a patient his sight back. Stephanie felt uncomfortable knowing that the chances were slim and felt that Amelia was giving false hope. In the end, Amelia was able to remove 98% of the tumor and the patient was able to see again. She seriously rocks! But didn’t take well Stephanie’s attitude “.If you aren’t willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.”

I also really appreciated seeing Amelia’s faith and how she’s the one who suggested that, rather than sending flowers, everyone light a candle in the chapel. Other than that, “You can all just give them privacy,” she said. “That’s what they’re gonna want.” It was beautiful to see all the doctors visiting the chapel

GIRLS. S4xEp4. Cubbies

“Sometimes the stupidest decisions are also the right decisions.” as Hannah’s father said on his brief visit in Iowa. He tells her it’s okay if Iowa isn’t the right match for her. It might seem like quitting to other people, but sometimes a decision just isn’t the right one for you.

Hannah cannot stand being in Iowa anymore.She calls the class “a minefield where anything I do or say can be misconstrued,” says she “cannot think or write clearly due to the overwhelming negative emotions around me,” and after being accused of getting defensive claims, “I can’t defend myself because you already called me defensive.” Fear has been the only real motivator for Hannah in Iowa and it has eaten her up since she arrived. There is no glow to her, no sparkle in her eye and her usual goofy expression of curious intrigue has been replaced with a permanent scowl of confusion and disdain. She’s blaming everyone else for her inability to create by insisting they have put her in a box where she is now suffocating. The reality is, Hannah has done that to herself. She made the decision to go to Iowa and while it may not have been what she imagined, she ultimately has to take responsibility for that.

I’m not surprised she’s returning to the Big city...I just thought it would take a bit more than 4 episodes for that…But I was surprised to see how fast Adam had moved on in the obviously intimate company of a new woman, Mimi-Rose! …Seems like things in New York aren’t exactly as Hannah left them.

We also zoom on Shoshana who’s looking like a little girl wearing her mom’s white suit, getting interviewed…harshly. It doesn’t go quite the same as her last week’s meeting when she got offered a job as an assistant jewelry buyer , but dissed it as she thought she would find something better. “People always think I’m not going to fit in at first, but I always do — I always fit in, just very subtly,”

The kind-of funny part of the episode: was Desi’s late-night visit to Marnie’s. He shows up weeping and incoherent , half clothed, banging on Marnie’s door, screaming, “I did it.” “It” was breaking up with his girlfriend Clementine. Or did she in fact break up with him? The look on Marnie’s face when she realized she finally had another man-child was Epic. Nearly halfway through this fourth season, I keep asking myself the same question: Have these people learned nothing?…but then I remember my past experiences…

This episode was full of amazing quotes:

“Just having a little chat here in the dark corner of the American dream.”– Ray

“The one about you not buying the thin mints from the Girl Scouts? That’s not trivial. That was a triumph.”– Elijah [to Hannah]

“I think you should talk to the rest of the class, because they put me in a box and now I’m suffocating.”– Hannah

“Why don’t we not workshop my apology? I think it takes us down a dangerous road, workshopping each other’s emotions.”-Hannah

“Your entire life you’ve been telling the world you’re a loser who doesn’t care. That’s not you anymore. I’ve watched that happen.”-Shoshanna [to Ray]

“Shoshanna: I just don’t understand why nobody tells you how bad its gonna be in the real world.
Marnie: Yeah they do. It’s pretty much all they tell you.”

Suits. S04xEp12. RESPECT

The “case of the week” featured Harvey and Louis’ old ethics professor coming to Harvey for help. Not because Henry respects Harvey, but because Henry knows Harvey operates on a different plane than everyone else.

Professor Gerard is accused of taking a bribe for an important case, the truth is just as dirty: illegal gambling. Turns out, though, this is all false information. Gerard wasn’t gambling; the cash he had in his bag was from a student who bought him off to pass his class. His ethics class. This storyline concludes with the student failing the class — but not getting kicked out of school — and Harvey paying off Gerard’s loans out of his own pocket.

This episode of Suits was not as strong as the mid-season opener but I enjoyed it and it was still a solid episode. Just as the titled said this week’s episode was all about respect, those who have it, those who lost it and those who are still trying to get it. The case of the week wasn’t the most interesting but I don’t think it had to be since the emotions the case brought up for Harvey were far more important than the specifics of how they won it. “Respect.” is also the lesson Donna screams clear and loud to Louis, who needs to get on the team — and not the team that hid a secret from him; the team that has dug him out of numerous holes, the team that has protected him.

I think that moment at the end where Louis finally went to Jeff to try and build some credibility behind Jessica’s story was a classy and long overdue gesture. It made it pretty clear that he had really heard what Donna was trying to tell him about what it means to be part of the firm’s inner circle–taking care of your own.

In other news, Jeff and Jessica’s relationship is progressing smoothly, pleasantly. Jessica still is lying to Jeff day in and day out about Mike, but what’s life without a little mystery? We’re placing bets now: Jeff will be the next person to know about Mike, by the end of season 4.

SUITS -S4xEp11 – Enough is Enough

We come back, and now that The secret is out!…. it’s all about Louis, demanding name partnership from Jessica in return for his silence. So yeah, the Harvard thing isn’t Mike’s secret alone anymore. It belongs to all of them. And now it belongs to Louis, too.

Louis with Rachel, was not cool…at all. All Rachel has ever done from day one was be amazing to him. They even share a love of the ballet – that’s some serious business.

Louis with Donna and the “loyalty test”. Why, when he has the opportunity to ask Donna anything in the world would Louis ask Donna if she slept with Harvey? If you were testing someone’s loyalty to you, would that be the kind of question you asked? but it all went for the best with Harvey’s moment with Donna, telling her that it wasn’t her fault that everything was going down with Louis. It proves how much of a team they are.

But I’m starting to wonder when enough is going to be enough for Donna. She’s the professional one in the office. Her dedication to Harvey is sweet, but at some point, the woman has to start thinking about doing right by herself, you know?

At the board meeting where Jessica formally makes the announcement, she demands Harvey make nice with him. Jessica notes, “What Louis wants to be is accepted.” More importantly, Louis wants to be accepted by Harvey.

Louis, Jessica, and Harvey are terrible people, but they’re not bad people. They’re selfish, but they know they’re selfish, One thing is certain, however: Louis is no longer going to be stuck in the middle of the Mike-drama. It’s now officially Everybody-drama.  It was hard to watch Louis at certain points tonight — particularly during his “conversation” with Rachel — but it was quite enjoyable to watch Rick Hoffman, directed fantastically by Macht.

How to get away with murder S1xEp11 ‘Best Christmas Ever’

First day of the new semeste ! “This is How to Get Away With Murder, the second semester — where things get even harder than they were in the first.” 

New character: Sam’s sister Hannah—who Annalise believes has always disliked her—comes to town and seems to be looking for answers to Sam’s disappearance. Marcia Gay Harden, gives us, along with Viola Davis, at the end of the episode one of the best moments, even if we don’t really learn anything we didn’t already know.

Flashbacks, as they must happen, take us this time back to the Christmas breaks of each of our five favorite minions. The episode opens with Annalise’s Christmas, which she spends from December 26 till New Years drinking a lot of vodka alone in a hotel room. Michaela Pratt, who spends Christmas getting a little too champagne drunk and then gets dumped by her fiance. Wes is completely falling apart, as we learn from his Christmas flashback that he’s having nightmares. Laurel’s Christmas flashback is one of my favorites “I am by the way dating Two guys at the same time….Feliz Navidad”

Whereas, the sweetest christmas time was when Connor considered Oliver his boyfriend, but Oliver disagreed. “I like you and want to spend time with you,” Connor implored, but Oliver wasn’t hearing it. “If you kick me out right now, I can’t guarantee I won’t go straight a dealer and buy an eight-ball,” Connor warned, which charmed Oliver for some reason despite the fact that it was disgustingly manipulative. By the end of the episode, Oliver, who considers Connor his own “drug,” agreed to take it slow.

Case Of The Week with a new client, Jackie who has been complicit in her husband’s abuse of two young girls who he keeps locked in their basement. She’s finally turning herself and her husband in so that she can try to save one of the girl’s unborn baby. The only thing about this is we never really had a chance to figure out if we’re supposed to sympathize with the client or regard her as a monster. She’s the victim of abuse, but she also straight up stole a child. It’s all just a little tough to swallow. “People don’t make sense,” Annalise says to Hannah at one point in the episode.

“You’ve never been raped, have you? Because I have been. By him, before him, as a child. And the memory of that is worse than what happens to you. So yes, I helped put them to sleep. But only so they wouldn’t have the memories.”- Jackie [to Annalise]

There’s something about Rudy, the former occupant. This whole exchange between Wes and Rebecca about Rudy is only worth mentioning because it was weird as hell and because there’s no way something strange isn’t going on with Rebecca and Rudy and the grooves in that wall.

Grey’s Anatomy S11Ep10 ‘The Bed is too big without you’

Case of the Week: A ‘Lotus Eater style’ tumor that forgets it is full of a woman’s organs and keeps eating and eating. A case that’s fascinating and super intense. It’s not often we hear Meredith standing over an operating table and admitting she has no idea what to do. The theme of the week may have been loneliness, but that rapidly spreading tumor brought the hospital’s greatest minds together in a concerted effort to save the patient.

Dr. Herman’s big gun: As April and Jackson wait for the results of their exam to determine the strain of the disease their baby is battling. Worst case, Type 2, the baby lives a possible 18 months on ventilators and feeding tubes with bones that could shatter during a diaper change. Or, if Type 3 is diagnosed, they still need to be extremely careful, but the odds of survival are much greater.

What’s supposed to help ( but actually doesn’t really ) is Mrs. Kepner’s returns to Seattle, to comfort April’ and remind her of her faith and its importance to her life — a fact that Mrs. Kepner uses to shut down any of Jackson’s comments. But April cannot take the arguing any longer and snaps at them both.April give us the best scene of the episode full of emotional distress, feeling alone and terrified.

The other great scene of the Episode was the heart to heart discussion of the girls ( Bailey, Amelia, Meredith and Maggie ) as they are waiting for the 3D printer, Meredith starts opening up about how she couldn’t sleep without Derek. He’s been gone before, but this time it’s different. Amelia points out that she’s never really been alone before because she always had either Derek or Cristina. Now they are both gone. and she hadn’t felt more alone in her bed. Maggie feels that she’s too good at being alone, apparently she was almost engaged once, but it didn’t work out because she likes to sleep alone. I understand not being a fan of spooning or cuddling, but to actually get out of bed to sleep on an uncomfortable couch seemed a little extreme. This Episode brought back in me the good feeling of being surrounded with my besties… and that’s a great one!. Thanks Greys!

The Quotes:

“Feels weird to sleep alone. I’m not used to it. I don’t know why. He used to go away all the time, but this time he’s gone, and I know he’s gone, and the bed feels lonely. It’s like, I don’t know how to sleep alone.”- Meredith

“By the time I’m done with your tumor I’m going to be able to tell you what street this bastard grew up on and where it lost it’s virginity.”- Amelia

So what happens next? Will April and Jackson keep the baby, and if they do, will there be a miracle? What about Dr. Herman’s tumor?

Pretty Little Liars. S5xEp18. Oh What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me

Let’s Welcome another new face aka ‘Leslie’, supposed to be an old friend of Mona’s let Emily & the rest of the girls suspicious. But it seems that Leslie knew some deep things about Mona and how it really was between the girls. What’s important thought here with Leslie’s visit is that it also brought back some memories for Hanna, which led her to a new hiding space that obviously ‘A’ didn’t know about ( as we find out in the last scene) . The Bethany tape seems like some crucial evidence that perhaps Spencer should hand over to her mom instead of just looking through her files.

Now we’re getting new, suspicious characters, Holbrook has finally reappeared, and Spencer’s mom is back to her shady ways.

It’s also time we talk about ‘Johnny’ ,the mysterious tenant staying in the Hastings family barn and the clever installation he built. It was, as Spencer called it, brilliant : The Whisper Catch “I was inspired by Rosewood. This whole town is strung together by whispers.”– said Johnny .“ a perpetual motion machine powered by secrets” that also made the romantic exchange between Emily and Talia happen.

But it wasn’t all whisper-catching machines. PLL gave us some concrete developments in the “A” game

1) Mike Montgomery may be working with Ali. When Spencer peeks a look at her mother’s top secret lawyer documents, she discovers that Mike Montgomery has visited Alison in jail and orders Aria to investigate.

Rather than asking her brother about it, Aria ends up following him to a creepy dock on the Rosewood lake and finds Mike leaving a bag of candy. He refuses to answer any of her questions, but does imply he comes out to the Rosewood dock a lot. Could it be that he got a clue that Mona might still be alive. Afterall they never actually find her body. We do see him signing into the prison to visit Ali again come the end of the episode. Could Mike be working with Alison?

Mike’s insistence that Leslie give him Mona’s book suggests that he knew something was hidden in it, right? Is this because Mona told him? Could he have been the black-gloved figure at the end of the episode looking for the tape?

2)Detective Holbrook is not Ali’s minion: with an actual exiting scene between Hanna and Holbrook where she refuses to be a victim .She isn’t scared. She isn’t guilty. She is annoyed, and it is epic. “You don’t get to play the victim here. You’re the grown ass police officer. She’s just a girl.” Then, she drives away with a steely glint of self-appreciation in her eye with “The Rebel” by The Unknown playing in the background

Suspicion got me wondering: Talia and Jonny were seen chatting in this episode. Friendly conversation or potential “A” Team? Maybe both? We finally found out that it was Alison’s blood that was found by the barrel. Could this be another twin clue? Could Leslie have put the tape in the spine of the book herself? This could explain her somewhat unexpected trip to Rosewood. Perhaps, like Mike, Mona gave Leslie orders about what she should do upon the event of her death?

Pretty Little Liars -S5xEp17- “The Bin of Sin”

Description: Episode 17 of “Pretty Little Liars” put Hanna in a dangerous and incriminating situation when “A” set her up for Mona’s murder after Caleb did some digging and found out that the storage unit was rented out in Hanna’s name the day before Mona was killed. Hanna knew that the only way to avoid prison would be to dispose of the evidence.
The pair went to the storage locker and broke in … except the only thing left was the barrel, and ended up running into Detective Tanner and Toby which forced them to tell a story about looking into renting a storage unit, but Tanner didn’t believe them.

On another hand, The tracking device took the girls to an abandoned freaky ice cream factory. To cover more ground, they decided to do the stupidest thing possible – split up !!! Spencer found the laptop playing a recording of Hanna and Caleb’s discussing their plan. When Aria joined Spencer, “A” found a way to locked them inside a freezer … pumping out liquid nitrogen. They survived thanks to Emily….but..mmmm wait a second ? haven’t we watched a similar scene just a couple of episodes back ?? Caleb getting trapped in a same scenario ??!!!!

Although, since the beginning of the epsiode, i kept wondering where we many of them… Like, Where is Cece Drake? Where is Detective Holbrook? How is Holbrook still totally messing up the Liars’ lives without having appeared even once this winter season? I also wondered what Jenna Marshall was doing, was she with the twins ?

Aria finally told Ezra about her letter to Jackie. At first, he laughed it off and congratulated her on her acceptance to Talmadge. But after re-reading the letter ,he wonders if there’s some truth to what she said in her letter. He proposes that Aria take some time to figure things out.

After another kitchen disaster, Talia confessed to Emily that she only made a creepy comment about Ezra in order to find out about Emily’s interest in men. I don’t know who Talia is or where she came from. But it would be nice to see Emily move on from Paige.

Is Toby the worst Boyfriend ever ? to that, I confirm. Even though Spencer worked to keep Toby informed throughout the episode, he did everything not to want to hear about the fact that Hanna was being framed for Mona’s murder, that she was about to do something stupid, and that “A” has Hanna and Caleb’s criminal planning on tape or, most importantly, that Spencer was almost made into ice cream. The episode ended with Spencer begging Toby to come over to tell her what the cops found in the barrel and for a much needed heart-to-heart. Instead, Toby lied to Spencer about having to work late, then more or less hung up on her.

Questions questions…: 1) Tanner got an anonymous tip about the storage unit. Who made the call? And why can’t it be traced? Could Holbrook and Tanner be working together in this? 2) my intuition keeps bragging Talia into something unclear, and somehow I can see a connection between her and the ice cream factory. I kept waiting all episode for Emily to find a link between the two. Like for exemple that almond powder bag she saw at the factory.3) Do the Liars even pretend to go to school anymore?

The Quotes:

“Since I can spend the rest of my life in an orange jumpsuit, I think that I get the final say here.”-Hanna

“There are so many amazing adventures ahead of you and I don’t want you to miss out on a single one because of me.”-Ezra

“We’ll  both be behind bars, maybe not at the same facility.” And let’s face it, that’s about as romantic as it gets in Rosewood these days.

How to Get away with Murder -S01xEp10 “Hello, Raskolnikov”

This show seems to like to repeat over and over again what you’ve already seen, just in case you forgot. Something that left me skeptic at first, but ended up being the whole reason i got hooked on it. The show actually opens with Viola Davis being her own beautiful natural self, and then, we see again that epic scene that shows how Annalise caught Wes in the act of retrieving the murder weapon, and gave him instructions on how to cover it up as safely as possible. Istructions Wes handled perfectly, as he made it seem to the others that all of these ideas came straight from his instinct of survival… ugh how i love this show !

“You listen to me closely and do exactly as I tell you . Remove the body. He can not stay here. Your DNA is under his nails, on his skin. So the only way to get rid of it is to burn the body. Then you need to get rid of the remains.”- Annalise

Let’s comment on the hair:I don’t know if Viola complained, or the show or network decided the old one wasn’t working, or if they all made a character decision to put her in softer hair for Annalise’s role as Grieving and Betrayed Wife.

Let’s comment on Rebecca’s suspicions :First, because Annalise apologizes to her for not acting sooner, an Annalise that would never apologizes for anything , and second because Wes seemed to be doing way too fine.

Let’s comment on the Freaking Out:  Well, three of them, anyway. Wes, of course, had an alliance with Annalise, as already revealed. He is calm — too calm —Laurel, well, she’s as usual, a bit cold and emotion-free showing. Michaela looks stressed, but Connor’s panicked, asking the others, “What if one of us cracks? Goes to prison, tries to get a lesser charge?” While Laurel shuts it down, saying that the rest of them will gang up and blame the traitor, Connor’s already plotting. Would you expect anything less?

And when Connor and Michaela are ready for confesssion time at the police station, Annalise and Wes are waiting for them — thanks to Laurel’s timely intervention!   — how to get away with murder.

“Let me help you. Let me help you. Because if you do, I promise you will get away with this.”- Annalise

 the DNA test results: which prove that Sam was, in fact, the father of the baby Lila was carrying. When Annalise is a bit too thrilled with the news, Frankie finally asks her “What the hell, Annalise. Nobody is this relieved when they find out their husband just knocked up a dead girl.”

Lila’s baby being his I can believe, but the computer tracking him to the sorority house and the video of the two of the them at the abortion clinic was like overload. I kept waiting for something to not go in their favor, but everything just kept going right. Maybe I’m just being paranoid or I watch too much television, but I feel like this isn’t the end of the Lila Stangard murder case.

The Strong Moment of the Episode: was the toilet scene, when Annalise, locks herself inside, only to hear some women gossiping about her. A cold clear reminder, to her and to us, that Annalise is a manipulative emotional hero !

Grey’s Anatomy – S11xEp9 – Where Do We Go From Here

The wait is over ! We picked up right where we left off with Derek walking out on Meredith… Jackson learning about the awful news about his and April’s baby… and Arizona going to Amelia with Dr. Herman’s brain tumor.

The Processing of April’s baby, with April trying to have it under control, showing up at work the next day. But as we all expected it she kept snapping at people all day until she began to lose it. “Why would God let that happen?” The tears came, along with mine behind the screen. “Did I tell you it’s a boy?” – “We’re having a boy.”

My 2nd ‘shed of tears’ moment: was when Meredith finally broke down in front of her potential nanny. “I need a person”. We saw a Meredith devastated, lost without Derek, in shock.

That evening, when we expected her to phone Cristina, she actually called her husband. “I don’t want to fight anymore,” she told him, “and I don’t want you gone.” Since technically he wasn’t gone yet – he was still stuck at the airport – he could come home for the night, he suggested. No, she replied. “In a good way, go. We can do this.” And, although his last words to her as his cell cut out were, “Meredith, I’m losing you,” it didn’t seem like he really was anymore. She even retrieved their Post-It’d wedding vows from the trash and rehung them, broken frame and all. (Great metaphor for love, eh?)

The only funny little moment was Brought by Arizona, in the middle of all what happened. She’s the sunshine of Grey’s anatomy !

The Quote:

“When shock wears off, when the body can accept that a trauma has happened, when it can let down its defenses, it’s a scary moment. It’s vulnerable. The shock response had protected us, and it just might have saved us. ” – Meredith

“You’re a really good mom. You’ve been riding me all day, making sure I don’t screw up. Crap, you’ve been doing it all these years. It sucks. It’s annoying, but it’s nice.” – Alex

As much as I’m the biggest Grey’s Anatomy fans, some things just didn’t do, like the case of the mother who drove off the bridge with her kids in the car, actually did so because she of a tumor that caused the accident. How many times have we heard similar stories ?

or Alex Karev is stepping up becoming more responsible, more mature, as much as it’s nice to see him do so, it’s also a shame that he has become a slightly boring character here. ( He, who was once the center of so much drama )